Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More big things

How can so much crazy stuff happen in such a short period of time??

I don't even know where to start... Okay, that's not true, I -do- know where to start.
I know this is a blog where I can write all my feelings and stuff but for some parts I really don't want to explain anything in detail. Just a heads up.

For starters I work just about every single day now. I actually had a day off today and when one job called I accepted a shift. Lol! What was I thinking? I'm just kidding. I actually enjoy being busy. Something I don't think everyone completely understands. But that's okay.
Safeway, the place that called me this afternoon, is the job I had really wanted to get. When I applied I asked for a position called File Maintenance. And this position has shifts that start at 4am and end at 12pm. There is also a once a week midnight shift. Yeah, yeah, I'm crazy, I know. Anywho .. When I was hired I was told that they wouldn't want to put me into the File position right away. So I started as a cashier. And guess what?! After one month I'm being moved into File!! You shoulda seen my sorry happy dance. =)
Unfortunately right now my position in File will most likely be only part time. Major bummer I'm thinking. But after Christmas there's a lady in File who is going away for a while because she's getting knee surgery. I hope she does okay and heals quick. But at the same time it makes me glad because it would mean full time hours for me.
Full time hours would mean my days start at 3 am and end no later than 10 pm. Gah! No life! Lol!
What else is new??

And because of this major position shift at Safeway I've been talking with my managers at Shoppers. Yes, I have two jobs. I think I mentioned it in my last blog post. *pokes it* See? There it is. Alright, where was I? Oh yeah! I've been talking to my manager at Shoppers and she's all excited for me that I'm getting into the position I want and that it's gonna be full time. She was worried that I wanted to quit at Shoppers though. Good grief! Of course not silly! =)
What's going to happen at Shoppers is that I'm going to get bumped over to the post office. So that means shifts from 3-9 only a few days a week. I have to make sure it's only a few days though. I really have no desire to become a zombie. *drool*

Another thing.. A super nice couple from church here in town have a young adults bible study in their home and I can go! =) I was so excited when I was invited! See this meant that I would meet people my age and that have the same faith as myself. And it was a great night. Sadly I haven't been able to go since the first night. But... I'm going tomorrow!
I'm going to have to go over my availability with Shoppers and tell them that Friday nights and Wednesday nights are completely out. I have no desire to skip something so good for me like this bible study.

And I've been super lazy and still have not gone to the gym like I should. Ugh! So of course I feel like a potato ... One of those couch ones. So I'm going to do my best to get my job hours all nice and regular so that I can make myself some kind of day-to-day schedule. I desperately want to get into shape and be healthy.

And this is the part where I won't go into a lot of detail. I'm -not- staying at my friend's house. Things didn't work out and that's that.
I am kinda dividing my time between my grandparent's place and my cousin's place. I was super grateful when my cousin offered me her spare room and I honestly cannot thank her enough!
I'm also so glad that God's been so close and has been basically holding my hand this entire time. Man have I ever needed it. I've been homesick and ready to give up.. After only a month. But thanks to Him I'm holding strong and I know I can make it.

I'm hoping to be able to afford an apartment within the first few months of the new year. So I'm going to have to start doing some driving around town to actually find some apartment buildings. I have no idea where any even are. And I'm praying that I'll find one pet friendly within my price range.. Whatever that ends up being.

I think that covers pretty much everything for right now.
So, um, please pray for me if you can.
And I'll try to write again soon.

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