Watched an episode of Bones that was all about 911.. Got me thinking about how old I was and where I was when it happened and I'm sad to say that I don't remember. The largest terrorist attack on America and I don't recall it impacting my life in any way. I know I'm not American, but I have so many friends and family that are or have lived in America. In fact, one of my cousins was in a building only just down the street when the plane crashed into the towers. I thank God that he was in a different building, but at the same time I feel an overwhelming sadness because so many people died that day. So many families mourned.
I don't know all the facts of what happened on 911. I know that a plane hit the pentagon and the towers. I know that hundreds of people were trapped or killed and I know that so many firemen and police officers sacrificed their lives to save others.
Doesn't that thought make you try to remember where you were or what you were doing when it all happened? I know that just about every single American remembers exactly what they were doing the exact moment the attack happened and would be able to tell you in detail. And I know that everyone that tells you will also tell you that it was insignificant. That it didn't matter.
Because of 911 America went to Afghanistan.
Three months later the president went overseas and declared that it was over.
It wasn't over.
It still isn't over.
Canada joined America in Afghanistan soon after the president's misleading declaration. And our men and women are still there, fighting every day for not only our freedom but the freedom of those living in Afghanistan. I know you might not see it that way, but I believe it to be true.
In 1914 we fought for freedom. For four years we fought for freedom.
In 1939 we fought for freedom. For seven years we fought for freedom.
Just two days ago, on November 11, our country bowed our heads and held a minute of silence for every man and woman that lost their lives in not only the first and second world wars, but also those that lost their lives in the war today.
Sadly, I don't think enough people take the time out of their schedules to do much more than hold that minute of silence. Too quickly are our thoughts consumed by holidays that have long ago lost their true meaning. Halloween decorations are packed away and immediately replaced by Christmas ones. We've begun to forget those that we owe our lives to and whom we should always remember.
It should never be so easy to forget.
If you've been to a Remembrance Day ceremony then you'll know that many of them will show pictures of the men and women that lost their lives. You might not be aware of it, but perhaps the person sitting next to you knew one of those soldiers. Every time a new photo flashes onto the screen your heart should break just a little bit more. Not only for them but for whoever they left behind.
I don't think that any of them wanted to die, but every single one of them was ready and willing to serve their country in any way that was asked of them.
Would you do the same?
A few days ago, as I was listening to my favorite radio station, the morning show asked a question: Do you think people should wait to decorate for Christmas until after Remembrance Day or not?
Here's my answer: I truly believe that Remembrance Day should never be forgotten. Take down your Halloween decorations like you always do, but instead of pulling out the inflatable Santa, hang a Canadian flag on your house and wear a poppy on your chest for at least a few days before and during Remembrance Day. Typically it is only the soldiers that wear it (or are allowed to wear it) for a week afterwards. But regardless, you live in an amazing country, and you should celebrate it.
Our soldiers should never ever be forgotten, no matter when it was that they fought.
Always Remember.
One Red Rose
written by: Amie Marks
One Red Rose
A Drop Of Blood
On The Pure White Snow
Gray Headstones
Are Stark Symbols Of Those Gone
Nearly Hidden By The Pure White Snow
A Lone Figure Stands
With Sightless Eyes Surveying
Where Heroes Lie Beneath The Pure White Snow
They Had Left Familes
Homes And Hearth
Only To Come Home To Rest Beneath The Pure White Snow
And Now When Our Country
Should Be At Peace
Our Men Leave Home Once Again
And Some Return To Lay Beside Those Long Gone
Beneath The Pure White Snow
One Red Rose
A Drop Of Blood
On The Pure White Snow
Always Remember.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Working out
You know that time of year where you make a resolution? Why the heck does it have to be at that specific time of year? Why can't it be at any given time?
Oh wait, it can!
Silly me.
I've been saying for ages now that I was going to start working out again. And I did, for a few days, but then I was too sore so I stopped. Or maybe it was because I was too tired. I don't remember. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I'm going to start up again.
I'm not doing this because I think I'm overweight or anything. No, I'm doing this because I love working out. I love being healthy. And I love the energy boost it gives me.
Lately I've been feeling very... Blah. I feel tired, less attractive and unhealthy. Part of this mood probably is due to the weather being incredibly miserable, but the other part is due entirely to the fact that I'm just not fit.
So starting tonight, I'm going to begin my new regimen.
I'm not doing anything too crazy to start off. Mostly just the basics. I need to ease myself into this thing unfortunately.
The job I have isn't exactly easy so super sore muscles just can't happen. At least not right now.
I'm not going to post a before or after picture but I might blog a bit about my progress. We'll see.
And that is all I have to say for tonight.
So... Good night!
Oh wait, it can!
Silly me.
I've been saying for ages now that I was going to start working out again. And I did, for a few days, but then I was too sore so I stopped. Or maybe it was because I was too tired. I don't remember. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I'm going to start up again.
I'm not doing this because I think I'm overweight or anything. No, I'm doing this because I love working out. I love being healthy. And I love the energy boost it gives me.
Lately I've been feeling very... Blah. I feel tired, less attractive and unhealthy. Part of this mood probably is due to the weather being incredibly miserable, but the other part is due entirely to the fact that I'm just not fit.
So starting tonight, I'm going to begin my new regimen.
I'm not doing anything too crazy to start off. Mostly just the basics. I need to ease myself into this thing unfortunately.
The job I have isn't exactly easy so super sore muscles just can't happen. At least not right now.
I'm not going to post a before or after picture but I might blog a bit about my progress. We'll see.
And that is all I have to say for tonight.
So... Good night!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A rant... And other things
I do this a lot it seems. Ranting I mean.
And I'm pretty sure that I generally apologize before I begin. So, here's my apology: I'm sorry in advance if anything in my rant offends you.
I hope that that is okay.
So my younger sister and I were talking today about her class in school. And I don't mean high school kind of school. I mean college kind of school. The kind of school where people are generally regarded as adults. And I'm saying 'regarded' because age doesn't really make you an adult. Despite what you might believe.
Anyway, my sister was telling me about her class. First off, she had a couple classmates steal a vital part of her presentation and use it for their own, though the item was clearly labeled with her and her team's names on it. Not cool. Second, she told me all about how she somehow wound up washing everyone's dishes. When some of them fell on the floor only one person moved to help her. Again, not cool.
Having been woken up at 5 am by the fire alarm in our building, we were both tired. And so, with that excitement and lack of sleep my sister was not too cheerful. Which of course makes everything a little bit worse. Sure, you may not think it's an excuse, but wait, there's more. (Here's where my rant comes in.)
The only people that willingly helped my sister today with the dishes were the foreign students. The ones who have to pay 3x the tuition of Canadian residents. Yeah, the kids that left their families thousands of miles away so that they could get a fair education. My sister told me of one young man who left his parents and came here to Canada to study culinary arts, has no family here, has no work visa and has no choice but to let his parents pay for everything. That young man is determined to repay them for everything they've done to help him.
Have you ever noticed that we Canadians aren't like that at all? And I do mean, at all. We're lazy, selfish, greedy and entitled. No, I'm not really referring to the older generations. Sadly, I'm referring to my own generation. Those kids that are in their teens to their mid-twenties that believe their mom and dad have a money tree in the backyard and still live at home. Yeah, I'm talking to you.
I cannot believe how many people my age are still living at home, are unemployed and carry Daddy's credit card in their wallet. And those of you that do have jobs but don't appreciate them? You're just about as bad. Do you have any idea how many people would give anything to have a job?
I am seriously sickened (and saddened) by the lack of responsibility of my generation. I've met women my age that wear the latest fashions and have the gorgeous hair and the beautiful makeup, but what I can't figure out is how they justify spending their money (or their parent's) on all these materialistic things.
My parents taught me from the time I was a little kid that if I wanted something badly enough that I would have to earn it. A fantastic lesson it was too. One I have every intention of passing on to my own kids someday.
When I wanted a vehicle I worked my butt off to pay for it. I managed to pay that first truck off within months because I was so determined. And I did it when I was still in high school.
I just can't figure out why so many parents are so incredibly willing to mortgage their houses to pay for things their kids can earn on their own. Instead of handing over the credit card, why not suggest they hand out a few resumes? Teach them the value of a dollar. Don't buy that car they want. Don't pay for the gas or the insurance. Let them struggle and figure it out on their own. If you never ever let them they'll never ever learn. And I know that it sounds awful from a parent's point of view. No parent wants to see their child fail, but if you don't step back and let them fail then they have no chance to succeed. You don't have to pave the way for them, you just have to be the helping hand that picks them up, brushes them off and sends them out again. And again. And again. And again.
And if your kid is as smart as you believe they are, then they will be just fine. Plus, they'll know (maybe later on) that you were right for giving them a push. And they'll love you more for it.
Think about it. My generation is supposed to take over when the older generations are ready to step aside. I don't know about any of you, but it terrifies me. How many people in my generation are ready for that? Not a whole heck of a lot I'm betting.
And so that ends my rant. For now. I think.
On to some other stuff.
The last little while I've been stressed, anxious, worried, tense and exhausted.
Let me explain.
Just last month I had to take my car in for repairs. Said repairs cost me nearly 500 dollars. Not something I can easily afford. Since then I've had the worst time catching up to all my other bills. You know what I'm talking about. You got your loan payment, your phone bill, your car insurance, groceries, gas. That sort of thing. And so of course I'm getting notices left right and center. Talk about frustrating. They send you these notices and then tell you that you have until such and such a date to pay the amount owed. However, the date that the notice was written isn't always the date that the notice was sent. And of course because it's via mail you don't always get it very far in advance. So usually the day you get the notice is either a couple days before or the day the payment is due.
I hate when that happens. I really do. Because then I get stressed, anxious, worried and tense. I don't like being stressed, anxious, worried or tense.
And because of all these bills I've been doing my best to ensure that I get no less than 9 hours a day at work. My job doesn't involve sitting at a desk in some kind of office or anything. No, I do construction. So I'm doing physical labor, outside, for 9 hours, 5 days a week. And that's where the exhausted part comes in.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job (despite the masonry work we're doing right now), but sometimes I wish I had a couple million dollars so that I could take a day off every now and then. In the middle of the week.
It's amazing how one bill can set you back so far. And it's amazing how long it takes to get back to square one. Guess there's nothing to do but persevere.
I love my mum. I called her after I got the latest bunch of notices. When I'm feeling like I'm in over my head I'm so incredibly thankful that I can call up my mum and tell her what's going on. She always seems so calm when I talk to her. I think that's the best part of calling her up when I'm freaking out. That calm tone totally relaxes me. I feel less like I'm going to burst into tears or fall apart.
I sincerely hope that you appreciate your parents and everything they've ever done for you. I know that I will never be able to say thank you enough to mine. I can try, but like I said, it will never be enough.
And now I think it's time for this exhausted individual to head to bed. Gotta be up bright and early.
'Night all!
And I'm pretty sure that I generally apologize before I begin. So, here's my apology: I'm sorry in advance if anything in my rant offends you.
I hope that that is okay.
So my younger sister and I were talking today about her class in school. And I don't mean high school kind of school. I mean college kind of school. The kind of school where people are generally regarded as adults. And I'm saying 'regarded' because age doesn't really make you an adult. Despite what you might believe.
Anyway, my sister was telling me about her class. First off, she had a couple classmates steal a vital part of her presentation and use it for their own, though the item was clearly labeled with her and her team's names on it. Not cool. Second, she told me all about how she somehow wound up washing everyone's dishes. When some of them fell on the floor only one person moved to help her. Again, not cool.
Having been woken up at 5 am by the fire alarm in our building, we were both tired. And so, with that excitement and lack of sleep my sister was not too cheerful. Which of course makes everything a little bit worse. Sure, you may not think it's an excuse, but wait, there's more. (Here's where my rant comes in.)
The only people that willingly helped my sister today with the dishes were the foreign students. The ones who have to pay 3x the tuition of Canadian residents. Yeah, the kids that left their families thousands of miles away so that they could get a fair education. My sister told me of one young man who left his parents and came here to Canada to study culinary arts, has no family here, has no work visa and has no choice but to let his parents pay for everything. That young man is determined to repay them for everything they've done to help him.
Have you ever noticed that we Canadians aren't like that at all? And I do mean, at all. We're lazy, selfish, greedy and entitled. No, I'm not really referring to the older generations. Sadly, I'm referring to my own generation. Those kids that are in their teens to their mid-twenties that believe their mom and dad have a money tree in the backyard and still live at home. Yeah, I'm talking to you.
I cannot believe how many people my age are still living at home, are unemployed and carry Daddy's credit card in their wallet. And those of you that do have jobs but don't appreciate them? You're just about as bad. Do you have any idea how many people would give anything to have a job?
I am seriously sickened (and saddened) by the lack of responsibility of my generation. I've met women my age that wear the latest fashions and have the gorgeous hair and the beautiful makeup, but what I can't figure out is how they justify spending their money (or their parent's) on all these materialistic things.
My parents taught me from the time I was a little kid that if I wanted something badly enough that I would have to earn it. A fantastic lesson it was too. One I have every intention of passing on to my own kids someday.
When I wanted a vehicle I worked my butt off to pay for it. I managed to pay that first truck off within months because I was so determined. And I did it when I was still in high school.
I just can't figure out why so many parents are so incredibly willing to mortgage their houses to pay for things their kids can earn on their own. Instead of handing over the credit card, why not suggest they hand out a few resumes? Teach them the value of a dollar. Don't buy that car they want. Don't pay for the gas or the insurance. Let them struggle and figure it out on their own. If you never ever let them they'll never ever learn. And I know that it sounds awful from a parent's point of view. No parent wants to see their child fail, but if you don't step back and let them fail then they have no chance to succeed. You don't have to pave the way for them, you just have to be the helping hand that picks them up, brushes them off and sends them out again. And again. And again. And again.
And if your kid is as smart as you believe they are, then they will be just fine. Plus, they'll know (maybe later on) that you were right for giving them a push. And they'll love you more for it.
Think about it. My generation is supposed to take over when the older generations are ready to step aside. I don't know about any of you, but it terrifies me. How many people in my generation are ready for that? Not a whole heck of a lot I'm betting.
And so that ends my rant. For now. I think.
On to some other stuff.
The last little while I've been stressed, anxious, worried, tense and exhausted.
Let me explain.
Just last month I had to take my car in for repairs. Said repairs cost me nearly 500 dollars. Not something I can easily afford. Since then I've had the worst time catching up to all my other bills. You know what I'm talking about. You got your loan payment, your phone bill, your car insurance, groceries, gas. That sort of thing. And so of course I'm getting notices left right and center. Talk about frustrating. They send you these notices and then tell you that you have until such and such a date to pay the amount owed. However, the date that the notice was written isn't always the date that the notice was sent. And of course because it's via mail you don't always get it very far in advance. So usually the day you get the notice is either a couple days before or the day the payment is due.
I hate when that happens. I really do. Because then I get stressed, anxious, worried and tense. I don't like being stressed, anxious, worried or tense.
And because of all these bills I've been doing my best to ensure that I get no less than 9 hours a day at work. My job doesn't involve sitting at a desk in some kind of office or anything. No, I do construction. So I'm doing physical labor, outside, for 9 hours, 5 days a week. And that's where the exhausted part comes in.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job (despite the masonry work we're doing right now), but sometimes I wish I had a couple million dollars so that I could take a day off every now and then. In the middle of the week.
It's amazing how one bill can set you back so far. And it's amazing how long it takes to get back to square one. Guess there's nothing to do but persevere.
I love my mum. I called her after I got the latest bunch of notices. When I'm feeling like I'm in over my head I'm so incredibly thankful that I can call up my mum and tell her what's going on. She always seems so calm when I talk to her. I think that's the best part of calling her up when I'm freaking out. That calm tone totally relaxes me. I feel less like I'm going to burst into tears or fall apart.
I sincerely hope that you appreciate your parents and everything they've ever done for you. I know that I will never be able to say thank you enough to mine. I can try, but like I said, it will never be enough.
And now I think it's time for this exhausted individual to head to bed. Gotta be up bright and early.
'Night all!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A little different
Man, does time fly.
Seriously. Where does it go?
Only a few short years ago I was still in high school, and now I'm done college and planning to attend university.
But now, in just the last year so much has changed for me and my family.
My second sister graduated from college and is getting married in just barely over a week. My third sister is going into her second year of university and lives so far away from us. And my youngest sister graduated from high school and is now in college.
I just can't believe how quickly time goes by.
It's a little frightening. And a little disheartening.
Seeing how things have changed so much makes me think back to the way they were not so long ago. And way too often I wish I had done things differently.
I wish I had worked harder in school so I could accomplish the things my sisters did. I wish I had gone to college earlier and had finished the first time through. If I had done that I would be in my fourth year of university.
I'm actually kinda disappointed in myself.
I know that I could have done better in so many ways.
There are moments where I imagine the way things could be different if I had just done those things.
I would be nearly graduated from university. I would start my career as an architect. And I would maybe someday meet someone special.
Of course things rarely work out the way we imagine they should.
Instead of all that stuff I wished for I got something I think is much, much better.
My Mum and Dad love me, they support me, they encourage me and they constantly teach me.
My sisters have always been there for me, and will always stand up for me (no matter how often we disagree or fight).
And I met someone special. He loves me, supports me, encourages me and best of all, he makes me happy.
Now maybe I don't have my full out university degree just yet. But it'll happen. Maybe a little later than I would have hoped, but it'll happen.
For now, I'm thankful that I have a steady job that I enjoy (despite the fact that it involves masonry :p), a family that loves me, and a boyfriend that will support me no matter what.
I know I'm not the only one who plays the 'what-if' game, and I won't be the last one either. There's nothing wrong with it. But just remember that whatever you've got now is, well, just the way it's meant to be. I'm not going to get all "religious" on you so don't worry.
But hey, "don't knock it 'til you try it"!
Or something.
Anywho.. All I'm saying is that time goes by real fast.
So try not to waste it. Enjoy these moments.
Make some memories with the people you love.
Try something new.
And now, I'm going to go maybe look at paint colors.
Good night!
Seriously. Where does it go?
Only a few short years ago I was still in high school, and now I'm done college and planning to attend university.
But now, in just the last year so much has changed for me and my family.
My second sister graduated from college and is getting married in just barely over a week. My third sister is going into her second year of university and lives so far away from us. And my youngest sister graduated from high school and is now in college.
I just can't believe how quickly time goes by.
It's a little frightening. And a little disheartening.
Seeing how things have changed so much makes me think back to the way they were not so long ago. And way too often I wish I had done things differently.
I wish I had worked harder in school so I could accomplish the things my sisters did. I wish I had gone to college earlier and had finished the first time through. If I had done that I would be in my fourth year of university.
I'm actually kinda disappointed in myself.
I know that I could have done better in so many ways.
There are moments where I imagine the way things could be different if I had just done those things.
I would be nearly graduated from university. I would start my career as an architect. And I would maybe someday meet someone special.
Of course things rarely work out the way we imagine they should.
Instead of all that stuff I wished for I got something I think is much, much better.
My Mum and Dad love me, they support me, they encourage me and they constantly teach me.
My sisters have always been there for me, and will always stand up for me (no matter how often we disagree or fight).
And I met someone special. He loves me, supports me, encourages me and best of all, he makes me happy.
Now maybe I don't have my full out university degree just yet. But it'll happen. Maybe a little later than I would have hoped, but it'll happen.
For now, I'm thankful that I have a steady job that I enjoy (despite the fact that it involves masonry :p), a family that loves me, and a boyfriend that will support me no matter what.
I know I'm not the only one who plays the 'what-if' game, and I won't be the last one either. There's nothing wrong with it. But just remember that whatever you've got now is, well, just the way it's meant to be. I'm not going to get all "religious" on you so don't worry.
But hey, "don't knock it 'til you try it"!
Or something.
Anywho.. All I'm saying is that time goes by real fast.
So try not to waste it. Enjoy these moments.
Make some memories with the people you love.
Try something new.
And now, I'm going to go maybe look at paint colors.
Good night!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It's been a while since I've had the time to sit and write something. It's been almost even longer since I've had even a moment to myself to sit and think. Yeah, I've been busy.
I'm working two jobs, which I'm sure I've already told you, and both my jobs are keeping me busier than I'd like. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them both (to a point) but they're starting to run me a wee bit ragged. I really gotta work on getting more time to myself I think. I've been tempted to quit the restaurant job but at the same time I'm just not quite to that point. I love the people I work with, even if the job itself tends to drain me. And of course the construction job is exhausting. My short days are at least 7 hours.. Full days are 9 hours. Yeah, those are long days.
And I know I've said it more than once but I'm going to start working out again. I stopped following a site called Bodyrock after my sister pointed out that they were basically turning the new host into a sex object. Can't say I liked that too much. Made me feel less inclined to work out than ever. I have absolutely no desire to be a sex object. Plus their workouts were getting overly complicated and hard to follow. Another reason to stop.
Luckily my sister sent me a link to follow the old Bodyrock host via Facebook. I was pretty psyched about that. Her workouts tend to be intense but they're easy to follow and much more interactive. She's very encouraging and very laid back.
So now that I have my new/old fitness mentor I just need to get a new pair of shoes (mine vanished!) and I'm set!
I'm going to have to somehow convince my sister to do a before shot for me... I'm horrible with a camera (even the one on my phone).
Aside from being super busy and rather out-of-shape I've been very content. Partly because I'm truly blessed with a wonderful family, fabulous friends and good health and partly because... Well I just am.
I know it's a blog and I know I generally put up personal things but I think that this time I'm going to make an exception. ;)
Sorry folks but that's all I've got for now!
I'm working two jobs, which I'm sure I've already told you, and both my jobs are keeping me busier than I'd like. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them both (to a point) but they're starting to run me a wee bit ragged. I really gotta work on getting more time to myself I think. I've been tempted to quit the restaurant job but at the same time I'm just not quite to that point. I love the people I work with, even if the job itself tends to drain me. And of course the construction job is exhausting. My short days are at least 7 hours.. Full days are 9 hours. Yeah, those are long days.
And I know I've said it more than once but I'm going to start working out again. I stopped following a site called Bodyrock after my sister pointed out that they were basically turning the new host into a sex object. Can't say I liked that too much. Made me feel less inclined to work out than ever. I have absolutely no desire to be a sex object. Plus their workouts were getting overly complicated and hard to follow. Another reason to stop.
Luckily my sister sent me a link to follow the old Bodyrock host via Facebook. I was pretty psyched about that. Her workouts tend to be intense but they're easy to follow and much more interactive. She's very encouraging and very laid back.
So now that I have my new/old fitness mentor I just need to get a new pair of shoes (mine vanished!) and I'm set!
I'm going to have to somehow convince my sister to do a before shot for me... I'm horrible with a camera (even the one on my phone).
Aside from being super busy and rather out-of-shape I've been very content. Partly because I'm truly blessed with a wonderful family, fabulous friends and good health and partly because... Well I just am.
I know it's a blog and I know I generally put up personal things but I think that this time I'm going to make an exception. ;)
Sorry folks but that's all I've got for now!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Heads up...
I warned you people. This here is going to be a rant. And probably a long one. I need to vent.
Let's start with work:
I work in a restaurant as a host. Yes, I am a host, not a hostess. And no, they are not waiters and waitresses. They are servers. Let's stick to being politically correct shall we? It's not difficult. And please don't make jokes about it, we don't really laugh at them. Next, when you go to a restaurant and see someone standing near the door who smiles and greets you... Don't assume that you're welcome to seat yourself wherever you darn well please. That's not how it works. That bubbly person that greeted you at the door is a host and it is their job to take you to a table. Don't do their job for them. It messes everything up. I'm not kidding. It really does. Also, don't look around and ask the others in your party where they'd like to sit and then start pointing at tables. That's almost as bad as seating yourself. Especially when we wind up taking you to the opposite of what you pointed at and all you do is whine. And look around hoping that we'll take the hint and put you someplace else. It's not going to happen. All you do is make us uncomfortable and make you look like a big fat jerk. Yes it does. And for the love of all that is good please, please, please do not ask for a booth! To us your voice takes on an incredibly whiny note and it just irritates us. Plus it tends to affect how we greet the next bunch of guests. I'm not kidding. You might think that I am... But I'm not.
So when you go and seat yourself or whine about wanting a booth... Well, we have to deal with what follows. Sure, you're all pleased as punch that you got what you wanted but you have no idea of the consequences. The server that has to deal with you goes up to the host and asks if you sat such and such a table or why you sat them twice in a row (which they do not like!). So now the server is stressed out. And then after that a manager may go up to the host and ask similar questions. So now the manager has to deal with a stressed out server and a smug little guest. Goodie. And after that the kitchen freaks out because that seems to be what they do when all this happens. I'm kidding. They freak out because numerous orders wind up getting punched in all at once and they can't quite keep up.
So now that you're happy with your spot and your order you realize that your food is taking a while. Well... That's where the kitchen comes into play. So of course you mention it to the server, or whoever happens to be passing by. Which might be the host, who probably has much better things to do than to deal with you. And you might think that you sound pleasant enough but again, your voice takes on a much different tone to us. We hear a snotty tone this time. Yes we do.
You finally get your food. It's a steak. Which explains why it too so darn long. So things are great. Your food is good. You can't even taste the booger in there can you? I'm kidding! We aren't allowed to do that sort of thing. Sometimes we wish we could though. Yes we do. And finally you're done. No dessert because of course you're too full even though you didn't finish all of your entree. Which you didn't want boxed up. There are children starving in Africa people! Think about that next time. So you get your bill. And let's say it came to just under $100. Now, do you leave a decent tip? Probably not. Why on earth would you tip someone for doing their job? Here's why: Servers (and hosts.. and everyone else) make minimum wage. And the majority of staff gets an average of 2-5 hours in a day. Do you honestly believe that what little money we make just doing our job will pay our bills? No, it doesn't. Not even close. Every server has to divide up their tip money at the end of each day, giving a percentage to the other staff (hosts, kitchen, and bartenders). So in the end they still don't take much home with them. An average tip is 15% of your bill. A toonie is really not as generous as you thought. Most servers would rather throw it back in your face instead of thanking you. I'm serious.
If you don't believe any of what I told you then I think that you should try walking in our shoes. You'll change your mind. And it probably wouldn't take more than a day or two. Seriously.
Don't get too excited.. I'm not done yet.
And now for school:
I have one week left of school. You'd think that it would simply fly by. Well, you'd be wrong. For those of you that don't know, I am currently studying Technical Drafting. And before you ask what that is, it's basically drawing houses on the computer. That's the simple explanation. The complicated explanation is, well, complicated.
So I don't have exams, I have projects. And every project involves at least 7-10 drawings. My final project consists of 10 drawings. So, I drew them all out. And I thought I'd done them right. Turns out I was very wrong about that. I have been using another student's drawings as a reference for my own. And I figured that if they had passed then mine would too. I never copied and pasted anything. I actually drew everything out on my own. And no matter how many ways I looked at it, my drawings looked right. I must not know much of anything. Out of my 10 drawings only one has been approved. I have one week left. Last week my instructor took a week long vacation. To Paris, France. So I lost a week there. And we had no classes on Monday and Tuesday and I wasn't in class on Wednesday either. So I got 2 whole days this week and fat lot of good it did. So today I showed my instructor my foundation plan with all the corrections he had had me do from yesterday. And guess what?! He suddenly tells me that I need to do a page of just details for the concrete slabs that make up part of the floor. It's not mentioned anywhere in the assignment pages and no other student before me has ever done this particular drawing. Plus, I'm not an engineer. In reality I wouldn't be allowed to draw these details. So what the heck is going on?
When I was in this class a couple years ago I slacked off and goofed off. And my instructor happens to be the kind to hold grudges. For years. Like a child or a drama loving female. It's pathetic.
Every time he nitpicks about a drawing it takes time for me to fix the drawing. And he keeps reminding me that I'm behind. He can't seem to figure out why. When I had started up this course again he didn't give me a set time for my refresher. So that put me back a month. In reality it should have been no more than a week or two. And then of course I had four units to do. And with each one every drawing for every project was hemmed and hawed over. And each and every one had to be redrawn numerous times. Even if it was something so completely insignificant that it would never have made any kind of difference if it had been noted and then left alone. So here I am, behind, and with one week left of this course.
Am I going to finish on time? I sure as heck hope so. And since I can't very well go to school on the weekend I will be spending my time looking over my drawings and making any adjustments I can. And on Monday my instructor better have an extra pair of shorts 'cause if I don't scare him well enough my daddy will. Oh yes. I'm going to have a little chat with my instructor about my upcoming deadline, the fact that no other student has done this stupid detail drawing, that the detail drawing is not in the assignment anywhere (emphasis on that!), and that I am not qualified to draw said detail drawings because they are supposed to be done by an engineer. And if that doesn't work... Well... My dad is going to be very unhappy. Yes he is.
Now you can relax, breathe, or whatever it was that you forgot to do if you managed to read all the way to the end of this.
I am done. Finally.
Have a good night!
Let's start with work:
I work in a restaurant as a host. Yes, I am a host, not a hostess. And no, they are not waiters and waitresses. They are servers. Let's stick to being politically correct shall we? It's not difficult. And please don't make jokes about it, we don't really laugh at them. Next, when you go to a restaurant and see someone standing near the door who smiles and greets you... Don't assume that you're welcome to seat yourself wherever you darn well please. That's not how it works. That bubbly person that greeted you at the door is a host and it is their job to take you to a table. Don't do their job for them. It messes everything up. I'm not kidding. It really does. Also, don't look around and ask the others in your party where they'd like to sit and then start pointing at tables. That's almost as bad as seating yourself. Especially when we wind up taking you to the opposite of what you pointed at and all you do is whine. And look around hoping that we'll take the hint and put you someplace else. It's not going to happen. All you do is make us uncomfortable and make you look like a big fat jerk. Yes it does. And for the love of all that is good please, please, please do not ask for a booth! To us your voice takes on an incredibly whiny note and it just irritates us. Plus it tends to affect how we greet the next bunch of guests. I'm not kidding. You might think that I am... But I'm not.
So when you go and seat yourself or whine about wanting a booth... Well, we have to deal with what follows. Sure, you're all pleased as punch that you got what you wanted but you have no idea of the consequences. The server that has to deal with you goes up to the host and asks if you sat such and such a table or why you sat them twice in a row (which they do not like!). So now the server is stressed out. And then after that a manager may go up to the host and ask similar questions. So now the manager has to deal with a stressed out server and a smug little guest. Goodie. And after that the kitchen freaks out because that seems to be what they do when all this happens. I'm kidding. They freak out because numerous orders wind up getting punched in all at once and they can't quite keep up.
So now that you're happy with your spot and your order you realize that your food is taking a while. Well... That's where the kitchen comes into play. So of course you mention it to the server, or whoever happens to be passing by. Which might be the host, who probably has much better things to do than to deal with you. And you might think that you sound pleasant enough but again, your voice takes on a much different tone to us. We hear a snotty tone this time. Yes we do.
You finally get your food. It's a steak. Which explains why it too so darn long. So things are great. Your food is good. You can't even taste the booger in there can you? I'm kidding! We aren't allowed to do that sort of thing. Sometimes we wish we could though. Yes we do. And finally you're done. No dessert because of course you're too full even though you didn't finish all of your entree. Which you didn't want boxed up. There are children starving in Africa people! Think about that next time. So you get your bill. And let's say it came to just under $100. Now, do you leave a decent tip? Probably not. Why on earth would you tip someone for doing their job? Here's why: Servers (and hosts.. and everyone else) make minimum wage. And the majority of staff gets an average of 2-5 hours in a day. Do you honestly believe that what little money we make just doing our job will pay our bills? No, it doesn't. Not even close. Every server has to divide up their tip money at the end of each day, giving a percentage to the other staff (hosts, kitchen, and bartenders). So in the end they still don't take much home with them. An average tip is 15% of your bill. A toonie is really not as generous as you thought. Most servers would rather throw it back in your face instead of thanking you. I'm serious.
If you don't believe any of what I told you then I think that you should try walking in our shoes. You'll change your mind. And it probably wouldn't take more than a day or two. Seriously.
Don't get too excited.. I'm not done yet.
And now for school:
I have one week left of school. You'd think that it would simply fly by. Well, you'd be wrong. For those of you that don't know, I am currently studying Technical Drafting. And before you ask what that is, it's basically drawing houses on the computer. That's the simple explanation. The complicated explanation is, well, complicated.
So I don't have exams, I have projects. And every project involves at least 7-10 drawings. My final project consists of 10 drawings. So, I drew them all out. And I thought I'd done them right. Turns out I was very wrong about that. I have been using another student's drawings as a reference for my own. And I figured that if they had passed then mine would too. I never copied and pasted anything. I actually drew everything out on my own. And no matter how many ways I looked at it, my drawings looked right. I must not know much of anything. Out of my 10 drawings only one has been approved. I have one week left. Last week my instructor took a week long vacation. To Paris, France. So I lost a week there. And we had no classes on Monday and Tuesday and I wasn't in class on Wednesday either. So I got 2 whole days this week and fat lot of good it did. So today I showed my instructor my foundation plan with all the corrections he had had me do from yesterday. And guess what?! He suddenly tells me that I need to do a page of just details for the concrete slabs that make up part of the floor. It's not mentioned anywhere in the assignment pages and no other student before me has ever done this particular drawing. Plus, I'm not an engineer. In reality I wouldn't be allowed to draw these details. So what the heck is going on?
When I was in this class a couple years ago I slacked off and goofed off. And my instructor happens to be the kind to hold grudges. For years. Like a child or a drama loving female. It's pathetic.
Every time he nitpicks about a drawing it takes time for me to fix the drawing. And he keeps reminding me that I'm behind. He can't seem to figure out why. When I had started up this course again he didn't give me a set time for my refresher. So that put me back a month. In reality it should have been no more than a week or two. And then of course I had four units to do. And with each one every drawing for every project was hemmed and hawed over. And each and every one had to be redrawn numerous times. Even if it was something so completely insignificant that it would never have made any kind of difference if it had been noted and then left alone. So here I am, behind, and with one week left of this course.
Am I going to finish on time? I sure as heck hope so. And since I can't very well go to school on the weekend I will be spending my time looking over my drawings and making any adjustments I can. And on Monday my instructor better have an extra pair of shorts 'cause if I don't scare him well enough my daddy will. Oh yes. I'm going to have a little chat with my instructor about my upcoming deadline, the fact that no other student has done this stupid detail drawing, that the detail drawing is not in the assignment anywhere (emphasis on that!), and that I am not qualified to draw said detail drawings because they are supposed to be done by an engineer. And if that doesn't work... Well... My dad is going to be very unhappy. Yes he is.
Now you can relax, breathe, or whatever it was that you forgot to do if you managed to read all the way to the end of this.
I am done. Finally.
Have a good night!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Every year people make their New Years' Resolutions. And every year they look back and realize that they didn't accomplish them. The worst thing about these resolutions is that they tend to make the same ones every year in the hopes that they'll get it right this time around. Or maybe this time. Or this time. And so on and so forth.
I'm not exempt from this. Far from it. I'm one of the hopeless. Doggedly making that same resolution in the hopes that I'll finally pull it off. And every year I disappoint myself. It's a frustrating circle. The worst thing about my own little circle is that I know that I'm failing the entire time. And yet I keep going around and around. My problem is that I'm not accountable to anyone. Certainly not to myself.
So a few nights ago, when I couldn't sleep, I went for a drive in the hopes that I'd be able to clear my head. I cranked my music and found an old gravel road (hard to find hereabouts) and I just drove aimlessly. And as I was driving I thought about so many things...
I thought about home (which is certainly not here) and how badly I wanted to be back home.
I thought about my future plans. I've told people what I want to do with my life and they look at me funny. Is it 'cause I'm small? I mean really, I'm not a munchkin.
I thought about owning a house of my own and how I could maybe accomplish that.
And I thought about my New Years' resolution. I made the same one I made last year. To get healthy and to work out every day.
So far I've failed miserably. Thankfully it's still not too late to change that failure into success. Whew!
What I've realized is that laziness has become a habit. Being on holiday for 2 weeks can do that to a person. You sleep in and work maybe a couple days a week. The laziness sets in and it's hard to kick it to the curb.
I try to get up early every morning like I used to do but so far all I've managed is 7:00 am. My alarm is set for 5. I used to get up at 5 with no trouble. Now it's all I can do to drag my lazy ass out of bed at 7.
I miss my morning walks with the dog (which I no longer have) and my workouts. :(
So, while I'm sitting here in class supposedly doing my theory questions I started thinking about all this again. So I started talking to my Mum and she pointed out something I already knew but wasn't actually putting into practice. I need to be accountable to someone. Especially if I can't be accountable to myself (which seems to be impossible for me). So I asked if it could be her.
My Mum now has free reign to nag the crap out of me. The nagging rights are limited to doing my workouts however. So with her support and her encouragement (let's call it that instead of nagging) I'm going to kick this habit of laziness and get my butt in gear.
The trick to actually accomplishing a goal is to take a step back for just a minute. Relax a bit. Personally I find that stressing out about a goal or project makes it so much more difficult to accomplish. Some people thrive when they're pressured. For me it totally depends on the situation. School.. Well pressure is good but I don't like it. Same with work for the most part. But when it comes to the physical, say sports or working out, I love having that pressure.
I love being pushed to my limit.
Except for right now.
I am so out of shape that every workout I've done lately makes me think I'm going to die. But I am getting better. I wasn't completely convinced that I would die during the last workout I did so that's definitely an improvement.
I have to get back to my class... I've babbled on enough and my break has been over for half an hour... Whoops!
Thanks for reading!
I'm not exempt from this. Far from it. I'm one of the hopeless. Doggedly making that same resolution in the hopes that I'll finally pull it off. And every year I disappoint myself. It's a frustrating circle. The worst thing about my own little circle is that I know that I'm failing the entire time. And yet I keep going around and around. My problem is that I'm not accountable to anyone. Certainly not to myself.
So a few nights ago, when I couldn't sleep, I went for a drive in the hopes that I'd be able to clear my head. I cranked my music and found an old gravel road (hard to find hereabouts) and I just drove aimlessly. And as I was driving I thought about so many things...
I thought about home (which is certainly not here) and how badly I wanted to be back home.
I thought about my future plans. I've told people what I want to do with my life and they look at me funny. Is it 'cause I'm small? I mean really, I'm not a munchkin.
I thought about owning a house of my own and how I could maybe accomplish that.
And I thought about my New Years' resolution. I made the same one I made last year. To get healthy and to work out every day.
So far I've failed miserably. Thankfully it's still not too late to change that failure into success. Whew!
What I've realized is that laziness has become a habit. Being on holiday for 2 weeks can do that to a person. You sleep in and work maybe a couple days a week. The laziness sets in and it's hard to kick it to the curb.
I try to get up early every morning like I used to do but so far all I've managed is 7:00 am. My alarm is set for 5. I used to get up at 5 with no trouble. Now it's all I can do to drag my lazy ass out of bed at 7.
I miss my morning walks with the dog (which I no longer have) and my workouts. :(
So, while I'm sitting here in class supposedly doing my theory questions I started thinking about all this again. So I started talking to my Mum and she pointed out something I already knew but wasn't actually putting into practice. I need to be accountable to someone. Especially if I can't be accountable to myself (which seems to be impossible for me). So I asked if it could be her.
My Mum now has free reign to nag the crap out of me. The nagging rights are limited to doing my workouts however. So with her support and her encouragement (let's call it that instead of nagging) I'm going to kick this habit of laziness and get my butt in gear.
The trick to actually accomplishing a goal is to take a step back for just a minute. Relax a bit. Personally I find that stressing out about a goal or project makes it so much more difficult to accomplish. Some people thrive when they're pressured. For me it totally depends on the situation. School.. Well pressure is good but I don't like it. Same with work for the most part. But when it comes to the physical, say sports or working out, I love having that pressure.
I love being pushed to my limit.
Except for right now.
I am so out of shape that every workout I've done lately makes me think I'm going to die. But I am getting better. I wasn't completely convinced that I would die during the last workout I did so that's definitely an improvement.
I have to get back to my class... I've babbled on enough and my break has been over for half an hour... Whoops!
Thanks for reading!
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