But lately I've been experiencing some pretty crazy stuff in my life over the past few years. Both good and bad. I had a steady job after high school which I loved. I lost a good friend. I moved away from my family for school. I met some amazing people and we're still close friends now. I have a job that I truly enjoy. I've grown up in so many ways and I've learned so many things.
When a friend was talking about getting a tattoo it made me think a bit. Why not get a tattoo that symbolizes everything that I hold close to me? And so I decided that I was going to get a tattoo.
I knew that, for me, a tattoo had to mean something special. It had to have significance. And here is what I came up with:
A black and white lily - The lily represents several different things. Number one: It represents the beauty of God's creations. Number two: It represents the beauty and delicacy of life and love. Number three: It represents the friend that I lost and everything she was to everyone. And number four: The lily is my absolute favorite flower.
A flower can express so much just by being don't you think?

Four Chinese characters - It was actually very easy to decide which words I wanted. But I didn't want them in simple English. I wanted them to be able to be a part of the whole tattoo. And so I chose Chinese. A beautiful language to be sure. Each word means a great deal to me and for so many reasons that I may not be able to explain them in full in this blog.
Freedom (自由): I live in a free country, a place where freedom is a thing taken for granted. I am a part of a family that allows me to do what I want with what I have. I am a part of a family that loves me enough to allow me all my freedoms.
Peace (憺): For close to a year now, despite everything I've gone through, I feel a deep sense of peace in my heart and in my soul. I know that it will always be there so long as I continue to believe that God will look after me and my needs.
Prosperity (景氣): Our country is a prosperous one. Despite what's going on around the world our country is one that will pick itself up and continue on. I, myself, am prosperous. And I am thankful for that.
Joy (樂趣): Despite everything that any one of us has ever gone through there is always joy at some point. Despite losing a friend I felt joy for the simply fact that I knew she was in Heaven and was well. Having a job gives me joy though I know that it is not so with many others. Having a home, a family and friends gives me great joy.
Later, after I actually get the tattoo (I'm getting it as a birthday gift to me) I'll add a picture of it. =)
PS: If the Chinese characters are wrong please let me know! I want them to be accurate. =)
Thanks for reading!